do i really need a sub title?
i have decided to change the title of site, considering i could probably find more to complain about then any other topic. i have also decided i don't feel like hitting the shift key today. don't ask why...i don't have to tell you. i think my first gripe is going to be about the stupid guy at the grocery store. the one who was behind me in line at the checkout. you know who you @*#! uh-oh...see, he made me hit the shift key! why would someone decide to stand so far up your butt at the checkout, that you can't even get all your groceries on the belt because they are in your way. and on top of that, when i asked him to move back he just smiled at me and stood there. what a prick. then, as i am trying to pull out of the parking lot...some lady had the nerve to let me in ahead of her. of course, i was still steaming about the checkout line guy, so i didn't notice she was being nice! so, moral of the story...don't be confuses me.